Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Program Belanja pada Visual Basic

Listing program :
Dim disc As Double
Dim bel1, bel2, bel3, bel4, bel5, t_bayar, t_bel As Currency
Private Sub Command1_Click()
bel1 = Val(belanja1.Text)
bel2 = Val(belanja2.Text)
bel3 = Val(belanja3.Text)
bel4 = Val(belanja4.Text)
bel5 = Val(belanja5.Text)

t_bel = bel1 + bel2 + bel3 + bel4 + bel5
total_bel = t_bel

If (jam >= 8) And (jam <= 15) Then
        If (t_bel >= 100000) And (t_bel <= 200000) Then
        disc = 0.05 * t_bel
        dis = 5
        rupiah = disc
        t_bayar = total_bel - disc
        bayar = t_bayar
        ElseIf (t_bel > 200000) And (t_bel <= 300000) Then
        disc = 0.1 * t_bel
        dis = 10
        rupiah = disc
        t_bayar = total_bel - disc
        bayar = t_bayar
        ElseIf t_bel > 300000 Then
        disc = 0.15 * t_bel
        dis = 15
        rupiah = disc
        t_bayar = total_bel - disc
        bayar = t_bayar
        disc = 0 * t_bel
        dis = 0
        rupiah = disc
        t_bayar = total_bel - disc
        bayar = t_bayar
        End If
        disc = 0 * t_bel
        dis = 0
        rupiah = disc
        t_bayar = total_bel - disc
        bayar = t_bayar
        End If
End Sub

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